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Municipality of Binago: competition for administrative and graduates

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New job opportunities in Lombardy thanks to the administrative competition held by the Municipality of Binago, located in the province of Como.

The selection is aimed at graduates and is aimed at forming a ranking of suitable candidates to be used to fill vacant or newly established positions, full or part time, fixed or permanent, category C1, professional profile of Administrative Instructor.

It will be possible to submit the application for admission until May 12, 2022. Here is the announcement and all the useful details to apply for the public selection.


Candidates who meet the requirements summarized below can participate in the competition for administrators organized by the Municipality of Binago:

Italian citizenship or citizenship of another EU Member State or citizenship of another State in possession of the additional requirements listed in the notice and provided for by law, without prejudice to knowledge of the Italian language;
age not less than 18 years;
physical fitness to perform duties;
enjoyment of civil and political rights, also in the States of belonging or origin;
not having been dismissed or dispensed from employment in public administrations or dismissed from public employment;
absence of criminal convictions and ongoing criminal proceedings that prevent employment in a Public Administration;
regular position with regard to military service obligations;
not to have been subjected to disciplinary sanctions in the two years prior to the date of submission of the application and not to have any disciplinary proceedings in progress if employees of a Public Administration;
driving license of category B;
knowledge of the English language and of the most common IT applications;
high school diploma.


If the number of applications for participation in the selection is greater than 30, a pre-selection test will be provided.

Candidates will be subjected to three exam tests, two written and one oral, relating to the subjects indicated in the notice attached at the end of the article.


The application to participate in the competition for administrators to the Municipality of Binago, drawn up on a specific MODEL (Doc 125 Kb), must be submitted by 12.00 on 12 May 2022 using one of the following methods:

directly to the protocol office of the Municipality of Binago;
by certified e-mail to the address:;
by registered letter with return receipt addressed to the Municipality of Binago – Protocol Office – P.zza Vittorio Veneto n. 5 – 22070 Binago (CO).
Candidates who do not have a certified e-mail address (PEC) can activate one in just 30 minutes through the service described in our article.

Candidates must attach the following documentation to the application:

photocopy of a valid identity document;
copy of the receipt for payment of the competition fee of € 10.00;
detailed curriculum vitae (European model), duly signed;
list of qualifications that you are asked to evaluate;
copy of said qualifications (eg educational, cultural, service, curricular, various qualifications) or self-certification of the same (Articles 46/47 DPR December 28, 2000, n. 445);
copy of the documentation certifying the possession of the preference or reserve securities.


Interested parties are invited to read and download the NOTICE (Pdf 253 Kb) published in excerpt in the Official Gazette no. 29 of 12-04-2022.

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