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Municipality of Montagna in Valtellina: competition for technicians, graduates and graduates

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New job opportunities in Lombardy thanks to the competition for technicians organized by the Municipality of Montagna in Valtellina (Sondrio).

The selection is aimed at the formation of lists of suitable candidates in the roles of Technical Instructor (Cat. C / C1) and Technical Executive Instructor (Cat. D / D1), for temporary and permanent hires in the Mountain Municipalities in Valtellina, Castello dell’Acqua and Faedo Valtellino.

The admission application must be submitted by May 12, 2022. Here is the announcement to download and how to apply.


To apply for the competition of the Municipality of Montagna in Valtellina, it is necessary to possess the following general requirements:

Italian citizenship or citizenship of another EU state or of a non-EU state, provided that under the conditions indicated in the notice;
age not less than 18 years and not higher than that foreseen for retirement;
enjoyment of civil and political rights;
inclusion in the active political electorate;
not having been dismissed or dispensed from employment in a public administration and not having been declared forfeited or dismissed from state employment;
absence of criminal convictions;
physical fitness to carry out the duties of the professional profile in the competition;
regularity of military service obligations, where provided;
driving license not lower than B and availability to drive cars.
In addition, the following qualifications are required:


Surveyor’s Diploma or equivalent qualifications or Absorbent Degree Diploma and more precisely: Degree of old system degree in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Building Engineering, Environmental and Territorial Engineering, Territorial and Urban Planning or corresponding Specialist Degrees or Master’s Degrees or Degree three-year course in engineering and architecture.


Degree in Engineering or Architecture in the classes: L-7 civil and environmental engineering, L-17 architectural sciences, L-21 spatial planning, urban, landscape and environmental planning sciences or Degree in: Civil engineering; Construction Engineering; Architecture; Construction Engineering architecture; Engineering for the environment and the territory; Territorial and urban planning; Territorial, urban and environmental planning; Town planning or equivalent qualifications; qualification to practice as an architect, planner, landscape architect, conservator or engineer, corresponding to the qualification in possession.


Candidates will have to complete a single written test, with multiple choice, to be carried out on the subjects listed in the notice attached below.


The application for admission to the competition of the Mountain Municipality in Valtellina must be drawn up according to the appropriate form, attached to the announcement, and submitted by 12 May 2022, according to one of the following methods:

hand delivery to the Protocol Office of the Mountain Municipality in Valtellina;
by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, addressed to the Municipality of Montagna in Valtellina – Personnel office – Via Piazza 296 – 23020 Montagna Valtellina (SO);
by certified e-mail to the address: If you do not have a certified e-mail box, you can activate one in 30 minutes through the procedure described in this article.
For participation in the public competition, the payment of the competition fee of € 10.00 is required, to be made according to the methods explained in the announcement.

All further information on how to submit the competition application, including the documentation to be attached, are given in the announcement that we make available below.


Candidates for the competition for technicians of the Municipality of Montagna in Valtellina are invited to carefully read the NOTICE (PDF 170 KB), published in excerpt in the Official Gazette no. 29 of 12-04-2022.


All subsequent communications regarding the competition tests and the written test diary will be published on the website of the Municipality of Montagna in Valtellina, section ‘transparent administration> competition notices’.

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