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Europol: internships in the Netherlands, salary almost 900 euros

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New opportunities for training and work abroad with internships at Europol.

The European Union Crime Agency offers paid internships almost 900 euros to be carried out at its headquarters in The Hague, the Netherlands.

Here’s what to know about Europol internships and how to apply.


Europol – European Police Office (European Police Office) is the European Union agency engaged in combating crimes in the territories of the EU member states. Founded in 1998, it has a headquarters in The Hague, The Netherlands, and 220 liaison offices. It works, also in partnership with other European organizations and other countries, to fight terrorism, cybercrime, illicit trafficking, fraud and other serious crimes, also supporting international investigations. Europol has a staff of over 1000 employees, including around 100 crime analysis specialists.


Europol offers numerous opportunities each year to carry out paid internships at its headquarters in The Hague, The Netherlands.

With the proposed internship projects, Europol allows participants to have a first work experience in an international context, with the possibility of knowing how a European institution works. In addition, thanks to the internships of the Agency, interns are able to put into practice what they have learned during their studies and become part of a pool of resources prepared for any future collaborations with Europol.


Europol is currently looking for interns for the following active internship opportunities:

Communication & Graphic Design – Application deadline: April 27, 2022
Proofreading and Open Source Research – Deadline for applications: April 27, 2022;
Research and Development in Digital Forensics Team – Application deadline: April 28, 2022.


In order to access Europol traineeships, the following general requirements must be met:

be citizens of a member state of the European Union;
be of age;
have obtained a degree or attend courses of study or professional training relevant to Europol’s duties;
have an excellent knowledge of at least two languages ​​of the European Union, one of which must be English;
provide a recent certificate of good conduct before starting the internship.

Furthermore, the possession of specific skills, degrees or skills for each type of project is required.

On the other hand, candidates who, for a period of more than 6 weeks, have carried out or are currently in any type of internship or employment within a European institution, agency or body cannot participate in internships.


The selections are conducted by a special Committee composed of a representative of the Human Resources Department and at least two representatives of the relevant Management of the internship offered. Internship applications are assessed on the basis of merit and possession of the specific requirements and qualifications required.


Europol internships have a variable duration, ranging from 3 to 6 months, depending on the project on which it is employed. The work commitment required of interns is 40 hours per week.


Europol traineeships are paid through a monthly scholarship worth € 864. In addition, internship participants can obtain reimbursement of travel expenses to / from The Hague at the beginning and at the end of the training and work experience.


Those interested in Europol internships can visit this section dedicated to internship offers in the Careers & Procurement area of ​​the Agency website. Here they can view the current open internship positions. To apply, you need to click on the Apply item in each internship search notice and register your profile and CV on the Europol online recruitment platform

Candidates wishing to apply for more internships can do so by submitting an application for each internship of interest.

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