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Teacher recruitment reform 2022: what it provides in 10 points

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The Council of Ministers approved the 2022 teacher recruitment reform presented by the Ministry of Education.

This is the document that establishes the new rules on initial and continuing training and the recruitment of teachers. The provision introduces important innovations for competitions to teach, the qualification to become a teacher and access to the role.

Here is what Minister Bianchi’s reform foresees in 10 simple points and the draft of the pdf text to download for consultation.


We put at your disposal the DRAFT TEXT (Pdf 323Kb) relating to the reform of the recruitment of teachers.

This is the provisional document, therefore, to confirm the provisions envisaged, it is necessary to wait for the publication of the relative decree.

“We will make the new 2022 Teacher Recruitment Decree downloadable here as soon as it is published.”


The CDM, in fact, has given the green light to the PNRR 2 decree, the new decree drawn up by the Government to accelerate the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), which also included the school package with the reform for the enrollment of teachers and their compulsory training.

The DL had already been approved in the CDM but was re-evaluated after the integration of the reform proposed by the Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi. Basically, in the legislative provision, which introduces important innovations for public competitions and recruitment in the PA, it now also includes the new rules for accessing the teaching career and for recruiting teachers.

The reform of the recruitment of teachers and the training of teachers, we recall, are two of the points relating to the school foreseen for 2022 by the PNRR. The purpose of the new regulation is to introduce certain paths for those who want to teach, a clearer definition of the objectives and methods of teacher training throughout their career and annual competitions to make the recruitment of teaching staff constant and facilitate the access of young people. to teaching. Tenders will also be open to temporary workers with 3 years of service.


Let’s see in detail the main rules of the reform for the recruitment of teachers:

the system of initial training and access to permanent roles of the teaching staff is divided into
– a university and academic qualifying course of initial training and final exam corresponding to at least 60 university training credits (CFU) or academic credits (CFA), to be carried out after graduation or during the training course, to acquire theoretical and practical skills;
– a national public competition, held on a regional or interregional basis on an annual basis;
– a trial period in service of one year with final evaluation;
the university and academic courses for initial teacher training are organized and delivered through university and academic centers for initial teacher training, which can be accessed during the master’s degree or in the last two years of the single-cycle master’s degree;
the initial training period includes a direct training period in schools and an indirect one;
the final exam includes a simulated lesson, to test, in addition to the knowledge of the disciplinary contents, the teaching ability;
the methods for obtaining the 60 university or academic formative credits are defined by a specific decree to be adopted by 31 July 2022;
the qualification to teach in lower and upper secondary schools is obtained after a university and academic course of initial training of at least 60 credits or CFA, with passing the related final test;
precarious teachers with at least 3 years of service, even if not continuous, in the previous 5 years, are hired on a fixed-term basis and part time for one year, during which they carry out the initial training period and the final qualification test;
until December 31, 2024
– in any case, those who have obtained at least 30 university or academic training credits, partly through direct internship, are admitted to participate in the competition;
– the winners of the non-authorized common place competition are hired with an annual fixed-term part-time contract and complete the university and academic initial training course with a final exam. If they pass it, they obtain the qualification and are subjected to the annual trial period in service, the positive passing of which determines the entry into the role;
non-qualified temporary workers with 3 years of service who have won the competition sign an annual fixed-term part-time contract and acquire 30 CFU or CFA of the university course of initial training, at the end of which, passing the final test, they obtain the qualification to ” teaching and begin the annual trial period in service, the positive passing of which determines the effective entry into the role;
the winners of the support post competition are subjected to an annual trial period in service, to be performed for at least 180 days, of which at least 120 for teaching activities, the positive passing of which determines the effective entry into the role;
the Higher Education School of the national public education system is established, which deals with
– promote and coordinate the in-service training of tenured teachers;
– direct and direct the training activities of school managers, DSGAs and ATA staff;
– to perform the functions related to the incentive system for continuous teacher training.


The reform of Minister Bianchi for the recruitment of teachers provides for a transitional phase until 2024, which will serve to hire 70,000 teachers. The entry into the role takes place through new competitions on an annual basis.

During the transitional regime, graduates can access teaching through a path that includes an initial training course, the acquisition of 30 ECTS, a public competition and a qualification test. In practice, they can obtain the first 30 university credits, including the internship period, to access the competition, subsequently complete the other 30 credits and then take the qualification test to be able to pass the role. Those who have already been teaching for at least 3 years have direct access to the competition, until the reform is fully implemented. The winners must then obtain 30 university credits and carry out the qualification test in order to pass the role.

Once the reform is fully implemented, however, to access teaching it will be necessary to have a degree and 60 CFU, to be acquired through a training course provided by the Universities, with a final test for access to the competition for professorship, which will be followed by a trial year.


The new decree also provides for the establishment of a higher education school for ATA managers, teachers and staff. Thanks to the latter, in-service training of teaching staff becomes continuous and structured, including in the mandatory part training on digital skills and the critical and responsible use of digital tools, to be carried out within the working hours.

The training and updating system is instead planned on a three-year basis, to allow teachers to learn knowledge and skills to design teaching with innovative tools and methods. It takes place outside working hours and can be paid by schools if it involves an expansion of the training offer. In addition, incentivized training is provided, that is, the courses carried out are evaluated for possible access to salary incentives.

“Teachers are the pivot of our institutes and must have a structured integration framework, the right professional recognition and tools that allow constant updating – said Minister Bianchi – At the heart of this reform is a precise idea of ​​a open and inclusive school, which we are building with the PNRR resources available and with dialogue with all the actors involved “.

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