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Humanitas Gradenigo Hospital: competition for 5 nurses

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The Humanitas Gradenigo Hospital in Turin, Piedmont, has launched a competition for professional health care nurses.

In fact, the selection procedure provides for 5 hires through permanent employment contract – category D.

The deadline for submitting applications is May 16, 2022. Let’s see how to participate in the public selection and the announcement to download.


To apply for the competition for nurses at the Humanitas Gradenigo Hospital, it is necessary to possess the requirements summarized below:

Italian citizenship or citizenship of one of the member states of the European Union or other categories specified in the notice;
physical fitness;
degree in Nursing – class of degrees in Nursing Health Professions and Obstetric Health Profession (Class L / SNT1) – or university diploma of Nurse or diplomas and certificates obtained under the previous system, recognized as equivalent to a university degree;
registration in the relevant professional register;
inclusion in the active electorate;
not having been exempted from employment in a public administration for having obtained the same employment through the production of false documents or vitiated by non-remediable disability.


In the event that more than 500 applications are received, a preselective test may be held.

Candidates will be selected through three exam tests: one written, one practical and one oral and the evaluation of qualifications, for the details of which you can consult the announcement downloadable at the end of the article.


The Humanitas Gradenigo Hospital is located in Turin, in Corso Regina Margherita 8. It is accredited with the National Health Service for outpatient and hospitalization activities. It represents a point of reference for Piedmontese oncology and for emergency-urgency activities.


The application for admission to the competition for nurses organized by the Humanitas Gradenigo Hospital must be submitted by May 16, 2022 exclusively by electronic procedure, through this site, after registration.

Finally, the procedures for registering and completing the online application are indicated in the announcement, to which we refer for any further details.


Those interested in the insolvency procedure are therefore invited to download and carefully read the NOTICE (Pdf 45 Kb), published in excerpt in the Official Gazette no. 30 of 15-04-2022.


All subsequent communications on any pre-selection will be published on the Hospital’s website, in the “Work with us> Competitions” section, as well as the diaries of the examination tests. The final ranking will be published in the Official Bulletin of the Piedmont Region and on the company website.


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