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Penitentiary Police: competition for 1,758 student agents, Call 2022

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The 2022 competition notice was published for the recruitment of a total of 1,758 student agents of the Penitentiary Police Corps, male and female roles.

These are two insolvency procedures: one is reserved for volunteers with a fixed one-year contract (VFP1) and volunteers with a fixed four-year contract (VFP4), while the other is open to non-volunteer Italian citizens.

It will be possible to apply by May 19, 2022. Here’s what to know to participate in the selections, the announcement to download and any other useful information.


The 2022 call for the selection of 1,758 student agents of the Penitentiary Police Corps is therefore articulated as follows:

competition for n. 1,055 seats (of which 791 men and 264 women), reserved for:
– to volunteers on a fixed one-year stop (VFP1) who have been in service for at least six months on the expiry date of the application for participation in the competition or VFP1 placed on leave at the end of the annual stay;
– to volunteers on a fixed four-year stay (VFP4) in service or on leave;
competition for n. 703 places (of which 527 men; 176 women), open to Italian citizens.
We point out that the places of the competition referred to in letter a), possibly not covered due to insufficient suitable candidates, will be assigned to the suitable non-winners of the competition referred to in letter b), according to the order of the relative final ranking of merit, male and female.

Finally, we inform you that participation in only one of the two competitions mentioned above is allowed.


Candidates who meet the requirements summarized below can participate in the 2022 competitions for student agents of the Penitentiary Police Corps:

  • Italian citizenship;
    – enjoyment of civil and political rights;
    – having turned 18 and not having completed and therefore exceeding 28 years. For candidates participating in the reserve of places referred to in Article 1, letter a), the age limit is raised by a period equal to the actual military service performed and in any case not exceeding three years;
    – for candidates in the competition referred to in Article 1, paragraph 1, letter a), in service or on leave as of December 31, 2020, lower secondary school diploma;
    – for candidates in the competition referred to in Article 1, paragraph 1, letter a), enrolled from 1 January 2021 and for candidates – in the competition referred to in Article 1, paragraph 1, letter b), secondary school diploma second degree which allows enrollment in courses for the attainment of the university diploma, without prejudice to the possibility of obtaining it by the date of the exam;
    – possession of the moral and conduct qualities provided for in Article 35, paragraph 6, of Legislative Decree no. 165, as well as the requirements referred to in Article 5, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 30 October 1992, no. 443;
    – physical efficiency and physical, mental and aptitude suitability for the prison police service;
    – absence of dismissal measures from employment in a public administration, not having been sentenced to prison for a non-culpable crime, not being or not having been subjected to preventive measures;
    – have not been declared forfeited from other employment in a public administration;
    – not having served in the Armed Forces exclusively as volunteers in short-term stay (VFB) or volunteers in annual stop (VFA), nor be volunteers in fixed four-year firm in two-year rest.


The selection procedure will be structured as follows:

written exam, which will focus on a series of short answer or multiple choice questions, relating to topics of general culture and subjects covered by compulsory school programs;
physical efficiency tests;
psycho-physical assessments;
aptitude assessments.
We specify that the competition for n. 1,055 places provides for a selection by exam and qualifications, while the competition for n. 703 places provides for selection by exam.

Detailed information can be found in the announcement that we make available below.


Competitors declared winners will be appointed as pupil agents of the Penitentiary Police Corps and admitted to attend the training course, without prejudice to the completion of the stop for volunteers in annual fixed stop.

The candidates of the competitions, admitted to the training course, after passing the exams at the end of the course, must remain in the first destination center for at least 5 years.


The application to participate in the selections must be submitted by 19 May 2022 exclusively by electronic means, by filling in the appropriate form available on this page and which can be accessed with SPID credentials.

Candidates must have a personal certified e-mail address (PEC), therefore if they do not have one, they can read this article, which describes how to activate a PEC address in just 30 minutes.


Those interested in the call for competitions for 1,758 student agents of the Penitentiary Police Corps are invited to read the NOTICE (Pdf 218 Kb) published in the Official Gazette no. 31 of 19-04-2022 and on the website of the Ministry of Justice in this section dedicated to competitions.

For completeness of information, we provide you with ANNEX 1 (Pdf 151 Kb) which candidates in the competition referred to in Article 1, paragraph 1, letter a) of the announcement, results suitable for the written test, must send, under penalty of not assessability of qualifications, within 20 days from the publication of the rankings of the exam on the institutional website of the Ministry of Justice.


The date and place of the written test will be announced starting from 22 June 2022, through publication on the official website of the Ministry of Justice in this page dedicated to competitions.

The list of winners and suitable candidates will be published on the institutional website of the Ministry of Justice and this publication will be announced by means of a notice in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic – 4th Special Series “Competitions and Exams”.


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